Friday, February 8, 2013

Progress Report

Sorry I haven't undated, progress has been made though.
Our coolest find has to be a stack of 1910 Newspapers Kevin found under the linoleum on the kitchen side!
The sill plate on the wall where the laundry room was horribly rotted out. That's it in next to the sledgehammer in the picture above. We took it out and replaced it with treated wood and will be a good base for the new studs to rest upon.

The linoleum was on the kitchen side only. It's kind of pretty pattern, but is now gone except for this picture.

 The far wall of the kitchen is now being torn down to get the floorboards out. Found some interesting insulation install going on with it.

The wall where the sink base was is now stripped out. The sink pipe is galvanized so it is a good thing we are planning to replace it anyway.

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